Burns are one of the most devastating conditions encountered in medicine. Damage to skin from thermal, electrical or chemical injury has devastating effects on aesthetic and functional outcomes of burn patients. The injury represents an assault on all aspects of the patient, from the physical to the psychological. It affects all ages, and is a problem in both the developed and developing world. In the last four decades, there have been great advances in burns management. As a result there are now many treatment options available that give greater hope to our patients. Nevertheless, although burn injuries are frequent in our society, many physicians feel uncomfortable managing patients with thermal injuries. Correct management requires a skilled multidisciplinary approach that addresses all the problems facing a burn patient.General surgeons, plastic surgeons, medical and surgical residents, emergency room physicians, senior students, and any kind of physician or burn team are involved in burn treatment.
Handbook of practical burn care, is designed to provide rapid access to important information regarding burn management problems. We hope that this book will be a useful resource for practicing plastic surgeons, surgery residents in all subspecialties, medical students and junior residents in burns and general surgical wards. It provides the necessary background material from which to build a solid fund of knowledge in the field of burn management.