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  • Hanon

    Nov 26, 2024

    the way the book has described the characters, the feelings of each individual feeling, even, and POVs, the way that each character has a different thought, the feeling of begin lost after Safaa`s dad died, the grief feelings, the way she tried her best into fighting in a world she didn`t know it was that cruel, her friends wanting to live their own lives, the way she escaped her brother then getting betrayed because of her begin naive and too trusting for someone she barely knew, the way she closer to god because of a random sheikh that saw her crying -that`s fate if you asked me- and how sweet and gentle he was with her, the our women that she shared a house with -wouldn`t call that a home- and how they were a little supportive, the way she was trying to work in a restaurant, but couldn`t, when she was begin taught how to "deal with costumers" and couldn`t just do it -her blouse buttons scene- and how her dignity just couldn`t take it, Tariq`s love for her, and him having complicated feelings because he saw her as if she in his daughter`s place, yet he loved her, her co-worker`s jealousy ,Amir`s support -not that I trusted him in the beginning, he was somehow fishy- an how he did whatever he could to make her happy -my kind in men-, what her so called "friend" Nahid did to her, and how Abdelqader and Amir saved her -Amir my man-, and her meeting with her old friends, when she understood what her brother did to her just to make sure she was safe and sound, her brother needed more chapters about his POV.., and the ending when she decided to wear a hijab -and probably get married to Amir-, it was just perfect, 10/10, would read at a cafe to look fancy.