The book “The Glowing Light in the Geography of Sohag Governorate” is a distinguished scientific book about the geography of Sohag Governorate, written by the Egyptian geographer Mustafa Farrag Al-Makhloufi. The book also contains a distinguished collection of maps, pictures, and figures related to the geography of Sohag Governorate, such as population, surface shapes, economic activity, and antiquities in Sohag Governorate. The book contains 7 chapters on different topics: Chapter One / An overview of the geography of Sohag Governorate Chapter Two: Geological structure, surface forms, and geomorphology of Sohag Governorate Chapter Three: Residents of Sohag Governorate Chapter Four / Antiquities of Sohag Governorate Chapter Five / Economic activity in Sohag Governorate Chapter Six / Transportation in Sohag Governorate Chapter Seven / Climate in Sohag Governorate