<div style="direction:rtl">ستقرأ كيف يفكر جيل الثمانينات في البحث عن معنى لوظيفته وعمله، والصراع النفسي والعقلي الذي يمر به هذا الجيل الذهبي في البحث عن معنى من حياته وعمله على الطريقة الأوروبية واليابانية والصوفية مستخدما أساليب التوجيه المهني وأدوات البحث الحديثة عن الذات.كل هذا وأكثر ستجده في الرواية التي ستأخذك في رحلة لاكتشاف مهنتك.</div> You will know how the millennials generation searching for meaning in their life and work, and the psychological and mental struggle they are going through in search for meaning in their life and work by using the European, Japanese and Sufi way in the search for the meaning of life, and also using career coaching tools and techniques and modern self-discovery tools.
"Welcome to the world of creativity and cinematic dialogues with ChatGPT! This book presents a groundbreaking leap in the realm of literature, offering you a collection of inspirational conversations that took place between me and the artificial intelligence program ChatGPT, resulting in the creation of an innovative and thrilling cinematic novel. Embark with us on this exciting journey to explore new worlds and bring ideas to life in captivating stories that merge imagination with reality. Gather around this book and get ready to delve into amazing tales and unforgettable encounters, blending cinematic beauty with profound human dialogue. Let's dive together into the depths of creativity and leave our mark on the world of cinema and literature."