Illusion Comics

Illusion Comics

إيلوجن كوميكس هي مبادرة تأسست في 2013 لإنتاج قصص مصورة تناسب الشباب و بتقدملهم مواضيع من حياتنا العامة و قصص تدور أحداثها في عالم إفتراضي يحمل عادتنا و طباعنا و أساطير من هويتنا  و حضارتنا المصرية

Author Books

  • Katrizma 0.1

    0 Customer reviews

    Katrizma is a comics series whose events and adventure are set in alternative universe parallel to our real world carries the identity and traditions of the Egyptian character. The events of "Katrizma" revolve around a conflict and wars that broke out between two species who lived on the land of "Katrizma" from the beginning of civilization to the present era, showing the evolution of conflict and the circumstances affecting its stages throughout the ages.

  • Katrizma : Boards Of War/Chapter 1.

    0 Customer reviews

    Katrizma is a comics series whose events and adventure are set in alternative universe parallel to our real world carries the identity and traditions of the Egyptian character. The events of "Katrizma" revolve around a conflict and wars that broke out between two species who lived on the land of "Katrizma" from the beginning of civilization to the present era, showing the evolution of conflict and the circumstances affecting its stages throughout the ages.

  • Katrizma : Boards Of War/Chapter 2.

    0 Customer reviews

    Katrizma is a comics series whose events and adventure are set in alternative universe parallel to our real world carries the identity and traditions of the Egyptian character. The events of "Katrizma" revolve around a conflict and wars that broke out between two species who lived on the land of "Katrizma" from the beginning of civilization to the present era, showing the evolution of conflict and the circumstances affecting its stages throughout the ages.

  • Katrizma : Boards Of War/Chapter 3.

    0 Customer reviews

    Katrizma is a comics series whose events and adventure are set in alternative universe parallel to our real world carries the identity and traditions of the Egyptian character. The events of "Katrizma" revolve around a conflict and wars that broke out between two species who lived on the land of "Katrizma" from the beginning of civilization to the present era, showing the evolution of conflict and the circumstances affecting its stages throughout the ages.

  • Katrizma : The War / The Final Chapter

    0 Customer reviews

    Katrizma is a comics series whose events and adventure are set in alternative universe parallel to our real world carries the identity and traditions of the Egyptian character. The events of "Katrizma" revolve around a conflict and wars that broke out between two species who lived on the land of "Katrizma" from the beginning of civilization to the present era, showing the evolution of conflict and the circumstances affecting its stages throughout the ages.

  • آمون

    0 Customer reviews

    <div dir="auto">آمون.. متحسش بوجوده المادي ولكن بتحس بتأثيره.. ده اللي قالوه الفراعنة..</div> <div dir="auto">آمون.. أول فيلق عمليات خاصة في التاريخ المصري العسكري.. أسسه &quot; رمسيس التاني&quot; وإتعاد تأسيس الفيلق أيام حرب الاستنزاف بشكل سري للغاية، لأن عملياته الخاصة بقت من نوع تاني وغامض...</div> <div dir="auto">وهنا قصتي مع &quot; فيلق آمون&quot; وقصة أبشع حرب مرت على تاريخ البلد.</div>

    20 EGP