The mind, if it matures, has many questions about the way of life in the journey of man to death, and this approach is based on belief, belief is believing and the origin of religion, and death is the only right that no one denies and does not prevail, including: "Why am I on the religion of truth, and others on falsehood?" ،... And many more! The motivation to write here was not to fortify information for the purpose of arguing or arguing with other religions and boredom, as many of our esteemed scholars did. The nature of human beings seen in people's reality reveals that man has a superior ability in three things that often make discussions a waste of time and effort. This is a book that tells the story of religions in civilizations that have appeared in humans since Adam to the present day. Every human being must know even a small part of the world of religions in order to reassure the heart of the common belief, and to be an entry point for thinking, to help to reach the right of the owner of any religion, not to be imitated without consideration. It is a fairly neutral presentation as possible in the first three chapters of what each religion has endorsed and expresses itself as the historians have written. The third chapter was to compare religions with each other in many concepts such as God and the hereafter, books, canons, etc. This chapter is not complete in the last chapter, and this chapter is not complete to prove why Islam is the religion of the right mental evidence away from the transfer evidence from the Book and sunnah to Muslims, it is not logical for anyone who reads this book from non-Muslims to list evidence or texts from a religion that does not believe in it, but Muslims are enough to guide the Holy Qur'an, he has made the argument and answered all questions related to beliefs in all boredom, so it is guided and healing to those who explained his chest to his chest, this book is not directed at Muslims only, and not It is directed at a particular religion, and does not cite the texts of Islam. The sources of this book are a short transfer of four basic references, and other sub-references, these four were: "The Entrance in the History of Religions" by Dr. Said Murad, "The Science of Comparing Religions: His Origins and His Methods" by Dr. Hassan Al-Bash, and the first three parts of the book "The Beginning and The End" by Imam Ibn Kabir, and "Boredom and Bees" by Imam Shahrastani.
Jan 21, 2021
هام جدا
Jan 21, 2021
هام جدا